Produse pentru doze mici de acid acetilsalicilic pentru dureri de cap (3)

Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe - Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe De Vânzare

Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe - Iodură de potasiu, Pastile pentru Urgențe de Radiație, ThyroSafe De Vânzare

In the event of a nuclear emergency, the best thing you can do is be prepared. Having potassium iodide (KI) on hand should be apart of that preparation. ThyroSafe is a 65 mg KI Tablet that is FDA approved to help prevent radioactive iodine from getting into the thyroid gland during a nuclear radiation emergency. Thyroid cancer, especially among children, is the most common and dangerous effect from radiation exposure. More than 90% of the cancer at Chernobyl was thyroid related.1 Thyroid damage was seen more than 200 miles downwind.2 Thousands of cases are known.3 The only full-strength radio-protective KI tablet that has been approved by the FDA and passed all requirements for purity, quality, safety, and efficacy. For use by adults and children in a radiation emergency. Please do get back to us for more information and details of our products and we shall get back to you with the full details .
Pastile de Acerola - Vitamine

Pastile de Acerola - Vitamine

Vitamin C trägt zu einer normalen Funktion des Immunsystems bei und schützt Zellen vor oxidativen Stress. Vitamin C trägt zur Verringerung von Müdigkeit und Ermüdung bei und erhöht die Eisenaufnahme. Inhalt: 115 Tabletten à 600 mg = 70g Wirkstoff: Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C(V/V) Verzehrsempfehlung: Täglich 2 Tabletten 2 Tabletten enthalten 120 mg an Vitamin C*. (* deckt 150% des empfohlenen Tagesbedarfs lt. NKV). Zutaten: Acerolafruchtpulver (60%) mit 17% natürlichem Vitamin C, Süßungsmittel: Iosmalt, natürliches Himbeeraroma, Trennmittel: Magnesiumsalze von Speisefettsäuren, Füllmittel: Siliciumdioxid.
Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Soluție de acrilamidă 30% - Gata de utilizare

Application: ElectrophoresisGenetic testing : Amides Storing temperature: 2-8°C GHS pictogram: GHS07GHS08 Shipping condition: ambient Synonym: Propensäureamid 2-Propenamid Acrylsäureamid IUPAC: Prop-2-enamide Appearance: clear colorless solution Code:1107 Manufacturers:GERBU